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* mach.h --
* Exported structures for the mach module.
* Copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/mach/sun4.md/RCS/mach.h,v 9.10 91/07/26 17:04:30 shirriff Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _MACH
#define _MACH
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "machTypes.h"
#include <user/setjmp.h>
#include <kernel/machTypes.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifdef lint
#define Mach_EnableIntr()
#define Mach_DisableIntr()
* Routines to enable and disable interrupts. These leave unmaskable
* interrupts enabled. These are assembly macros to be called from C code.
* They use the in-line capabilities of GCC.
#define Mach_EnableIntr() {\
register unsigned int tmpPsr; \
asm volatile ( "mov %%psr, %0; \
andn %0, 0xf00, %0; \
mov %0, %%psr; nop; nop; nop\n": \
"=r"(tmpPsr)); \
#define Mach_DisableIntr() {\
register unsigned int tmpPsr; \
asm volatile ( "mov %%psr, %0; \
or %0, 0xf00, %0; \
mov %0, %%psr; nop; nop; nop\n": \
"=r"(tmpPsr)); \
#endif /* lint */
#define DISABLE_INTR() \
if (!Mach_AtInterruptLevel()) { \
Mach_DisableIntr(); \
if (mach_NumDisableIntrsPtr[0] < 0) { \
panic("Negative interrupt count.\n"); \
} \
mach_NumDisableIntrsPtr[0]++; \
#define ENABLE_INTR() \
if (!Mach_AtInterruptLevel()) { \
mach_NumDisableIntrsPtr[0]--; \
if (mach_NumDisableIntrsPtr[0] < 0) { \
panic("Negative interrupt count.\n"); \
} \
if (mach_NumDisableIntrsPtr[0] == 0) { \
Mach_EnableIntr(); \
} \
* A macro to test if the current processor is at interrupt level.
#define Mach_AtInterruptLevel() (mach_AtInterruptLevel)
* A macro to test if the current processor is in kernel mode.
#define Mach_KernelMode() (mach_KernelMode)
* A macro to return the current interrupt nesting level.
#define Mach_IntrNesting(cpu) (mach_NumDisableIntrsPtr[(cpu)])
* Delay for N microseconds.
#define MACH_DELAY(n) { register int N = (n)<<3; N--; while (N > 0) {N--;} }
* The interrupt register on a sun4.
#define Mach_InterruptReg ((unsigned char *) DEV_INTERRUPT_REG_ADDR)
* Suns don't have a write buffer, but this macro makes it easier to
* write machine-independent device drivers for both the Decstations and Suns.
#define Mach_EmptyWriteBuffer()
#define Mach_SetErrno(err) Proc_GetActualProc()->unixErrno = (err)
* Dispatch tables for kernel calls.
extern ReturnStatus (*(mach_NormalHandlers[]))();
extern ReturnStatus (*(mach_MigratedHandlers[]))();
* Macro to get processor number
#define Mach_GetProcessorNumber() 0
* Macro to get the user's stack pointer.
#define Mach_UserStack() ((Address)machCurStatePtr->trapRegs->ins[6])
extern Address Mach_GetPC _ARGS_((void));
extern Address Mach_GetCallerPC _ARGS_((void));
extern Boolean mach_KernelMode;
extern int mach_NumProcessors;
extern Boolean mach_AtInterruptLevel;
extern int *mach_NumDisableIntrsPtr;
* mach_MachineType is a string used to expand $MACHINE in pathnames.
extern char *mach_MachineType;
* mach_Format defines a byte ordering/structure alignment type
* used when servicing IOControls. The input and output buffers for
* IOControls have to be made right by the server.
extern Fmt_Format mach_Format;
* Routine to initialize mach module. Must be called first as part of boot
* sequence.
extern void Mach_Init _ARGS_((void));
* Macro to put some primitive debugging values into a circular buffer.
* After each value, it stamps a special mark, which gets overwritten by the
* next value, so we always know where the end of the list is.
extern int debugCounter;
extern int debugSpace[];
#define MACH_DEBUG_ADD(thing) \
debugSpace[debugCounter++] = (int)(thing); \
if (debugCounter >= 500) { \
debugCounter = 0; \
} \
debugSpace[debugCounter] = (int)(0x11100111);
* Routines to munge machine state struct.
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "procMigrate.h"
#include <kernel/procMigrate.h>
extern void Mach_InitFirstProc _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Mach_SetupNewState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Mach_State *fromStatePtr, void (*startFunc)(), Address startPC, Boolean user));
extern void Mach_SetReturnVal _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, int retVal,
int retVal2));
extern void Mach_StartUserProc _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Address entryPoint));
extern void Mach_ExecUserProc _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Address userStackPtr, Address entryPoint));
extern void Mach_FreeState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern void Mach_GetDebugState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Proc_DebugState *debugStatePtr));
extern void Mach_SetDebugState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Proc_DebugState *debugStatePtr));
* Migration routines.
extern ReturnStatus Mach_EncapState _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, int hostID, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr, Address buffer));
extern ReturnStatus Mach_DeencapState _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr, Address buffer));
extern ReturnStatus Mach_GetEncapSize _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, int hostID, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr));
extern Boolean Mach_CanMigrate _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern int Mach_GetLastSyscall _ARGS_((void));
extern void Mach_SetHandler _ARGS_((int vectorNumber, int (*handler)(), ClientData clientData));
extern void Mach_InitSyscall _ARGS_((int callNum, int numArgs, ReturnStatus (*normalHandler)(), ReturnStatus (*migratedHandler)()));
extern ReturnStatus Mach_Probe _ARGS_((int byteCount, Address readAddress, Address writeAddress));
* Other routines.
extern Mach_ProcessorStates Mach_ProcessorState _ARGS_((int processor));
extern int Mach_GetNumProcessors _ARGS_((void));
extern int Mach_GetBootArgs _ARGS_((int argc, int bufferSize, char **argv, char *buffer));
* Machine dependent routines.
extern Net_EtherAddress *Mach_GetEtherAddress _ARGS_((Net_EtherAddress *etherAddress));
extern void Mach_ContextSwitch _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *fromProcPtr, Proc_ControlBlock *toProcPtr));
extern int Mach_TestAndSet _ARGS_((int *intPtr));
extern int Mach_GetMachineType _ARGS_((void));
extern int Mach_GetMachineArch _ARGS_((void));
extern void Mach_FlushWindowsToStack _ARGS_((void));
extern Address Mach_GetStackPointer _ARGS_((void));
extern void Mach_CheckSpecialHandling _ARGS_((int pnum));
extern void Mach_Return2 _ARGS_((int val));
extern int Mach_SigreturnStub _ARGS_((jmp_buf *jmpBuf));
* spriteStart is defined in bootSys.s with an underscore.
extern int spriteStart;
extern int endBss;
extern int endText;
* Machine dependent variables.
extern Address mach_KernStart;
extern Address mach_CodeStart;
extern Address mach_StackBottom;
extern int mach_KernStackSize;
extern Address mach_KernEnd;
extern Address mach_FirstUserAddr;
extern Address mach_LastUserAddr;
extern Address mach_MaxUserStackAddr;
extern int mach_LastUserStackPage;
extern Mach_State *machCurStatePtr;
#endif /* _MACH */